
St. Patrick's Day...CCC #63

Cricut Card Challenge #63 is all about St. Patrick's Day. The challenge is to create a St. Patrick's Day card using any cartridge and any colors, but you canNOT use a shamrock!!! I chose to to a leprechaun's hat (or variation thereof) and I added a rainbow to touch on the St. Patty's "pot of gold" theme.

Details and cartridges used for this card are as follows:

Card Base – 2 Hats Welded(5.0(h)) – Stand and Salute
Card Layer – (5.0 (h))
Rainbow - (1.60 (h)) - Create a Critter



  1. Your Card came out soooo cute... I love the added details on the hat.... Wonderful job with this weeks Challenge! :o)
    Theresa DT

  2. I love your card! Such a great job on the challenge this week! So super cute!!

  3. I love this!!! It is so awesome and relays ST. Patty's day without the use of a shamrock just perfectly--the rainbow is such a cute touch too!!!

  4. I love the hat that you chose for this week's challenge and the stitching around the hat. Great job!

    Connie :) DT2

  5. Great job Vee! I especially love the base. Nice job this challenge.

  6. Ah..... I love this card! Great job on this weeks challenge. Anita

  7. Hello Vee. Kim from Scrapping Mom Of One Inspiring Boy told me about your blog and I had to stop bye and check it out. I LOVE LOVE your work. All your project are so unique and creative totally love that! I would like to follow you, but I don't see a follow button. Can you let me know if there is something I am missing, or don't you have a follow button:)


  8. I'm still here! LOVE this card too! Your colors just pop! Love that hat, the ribbon, the, the EVERYTHING!

  9. This is very cute! Great job!

  10. This is really awesome. I am going to make one. Thanks for showing us.


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