It's been a long while since I've posted a layout so I thought, "why not make today different?" I'm usually behind the camera so it's rare that I have a photo of myself to scrap. But here's one that I took @ Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. I was right in front of the Hard Rock Cafe. Yep... had to go in and buy a guitar key chain since I've decided to collect one from all the places I visit.
For the LO, I used a combination of October Afternoon scraps. I finally used those beads I bought months ago when I saw how Sasha Holloway used them in her LOs. Her scrapbook style is FAB & I get inspiration where I can... LOL!
P.S. - I've got to work on a better way to photograph layouts... Pointers anyone?
Really nice layout. I have no idea how to photo LOs. I'm on a DT where I have to do one a month but don't know how to take a good pic. If you find out let me know, girlfriend!